RICCIULÈ’ (Single)
(Music and lyrics by M. Caiano)
The more I look at you the more my heart
tells me I want to see you
and it fills my eyes
with a never ending light.
The more I look at you the more my hand
trembles hard because I want to touch you
I have no words but I know, Ricciulè
you’ve already understood.
Tonight I beg you, sky, please help me
don’t abandon me just now
and tell her I would kiss her with a kiss
for every star that only you can give me.
Moon, don’t be jealous tonight
please, rise soon and do not speak
your silver light is nice, oh yes
but she’s a diamond and you mustn’t forget this.
Ricciulè, you were near the see
and there you were waiting for me
Siren of this world
you saved me while I was drowning.
Ricciulè, you were near the sea
and there you met me
queen of my heart
I’m happier and happier for this light,
for this light that doesn’t die.
The more I listen to you the more my mouth
strongly desires to talk to you
and makes me say such words
that even sugar would taste bitter if it could hear them.
Breeze of this night, please whisper to her ears
not to make me wait, I’m anxious,
this love is like fire under the ash
and there’s no water that can put it out.
(Music and lyrics by M. Caiano)
Going down the stairs
of the Pedamentina*
where the colors make this city alive,
where every stone could tell love stories
between anonymous, ageless knights
and long-haired little girls
without shoes and nobility.
From the top of San Martin
the ancient walls kiss the blue sky
the sun heats the stone.
Six boys, a ball, “pass here, Pino!”
My home is not distant,
there I left my heart and the soul of my father
and when I get into the street
Our Lady in the niche invites me to pray.
Give me roads to be crossed
give me eyes to look at you
clear spring water to drink
bread baked in a wood oven and fruit sweetened by the sun.
Give me air to breath
stars in the sky to sigh
moon rays above the sea
an ancient song from a long time ago.
Walking through the neighborhood
my people lean out for greeting me
they ask me from the heart
“how do you do Mariano, your sisters, and how’s your mother?”
I see all around me the joy of who tries to give
some love, that makes me feel well,
give me strength and doesn’t make me think.
Walking through the neighborhood
the desire to walk became stronger,
memories return, memories of this boy
who was born there fifty years ago.
Walking through the neighborhood
I still feel that scent of freedom
the fresh air of the nights
spent playing guitar and singing ….
(Music and lyrics by M. Caiano)
Mama Cuba listen to me
this rhythm is for you
play hard with your ton*
guy, sing chacha with the heart!
Scents, colors in this street
if you go above or get down you’ll find cheer,
people who smile in the harsh poverty
they are exactly like us*, they try to make a living here!
Children, noises in every street
as on the occasion of a feast day of a Saint, or of the Virgin Mary
every occasion is always good to sing, play and dance
all of this is Mama Cuba, you can’t be wrong!
Joys and fears written over these dark-skin faces
like the moldy walls of the houses
where the sun never get in
and will never do.
Love is sweeter in these streets
it doesn’t want neither gold nor diamonds, only melodies
songs with a musical tune from a long time ago
but this song would be good too, it is a cha-cha-cha!
Mama Cuba, this night you’ll sing
Mama Cuba, for all your children
Mama Cuba, your fire will heat
Mama Cuba El Che, hasta siempre libertad!
Napoli, Havana, Santiago de Cuba
sounds and colors of good time gone
and in the Spanish Districts I lived
many years of my youth, at my grandparents’ home.
I spent that years watching and listening
and that’s how I formed my identity
breaking down walls, crossing borders
and this is what music makes to me
I’ll never change because it fulfill me
and it doesn’t matter how it comes out…
(Music and lyrics by M. Caiano)
We feel so bad, crucified on our crosses
time goes by and we can never get it clear
and some days are so dark, darker than nights
that even the sea is deep and dark like tar.
We feel so bad, with our back against the wall
things are way weird, we never feel secure
how many words disturb our brain
and how many bite-marks we have on the skin
We feel so bad, we feel so bad
we feel so bad while dancing a desperate tango.
We feel so bad, shouting without voice
watching around looking for some peace
we always pray God, our eyes toward the sky,
but it leaves a bad taste in our mouth and we no longer know
the meaning of feeling good.
We feel so bad, we are consumed with rage
thinking about “how good I was until yesterday”
looking back at school time
and how we are today bound hand and foot.
Italy of these lords, who dig up dirt on our Country,
and we, poor people, always pay the bill
taxes are like protection money and what is the difference?
As if we can afford to pay VAT on the stomachache.
Noble lords, bloodsucker of this system
because of what you steal, even the earth cries out every day and trembles beneath our feet
but even the earthquake became a business
your law, bastard, says: “everything for us and nothing for them”.
And the same as Alì Babà and the 40 Thieves
you are in the Parliament and are all disreputable
sitting with the crown on thrones of velvet
can you tell me please, who is the idiot who voted you?
To these vampires in double breasted-jacket who make us sick
I’d throw bulbs of garlic in their face and then I’d put them in a coffin,
I’d torch them in a heart beat
So they would finally stop stealing and exploiting.
Desperate tango
Desperate tango…
We feel so bad, we feel so bad
we feel so bad while dancing a desperate tango.
(Music and lyrics by M. Caiano)
And how beautiful it is walking on sunshine
and feeling his warmth on the skin,
the warmth that heat the soul of who has been in the cold
of who has had enough and is finished with the past.
And how it is beautiful walking in the moon
watching the sky and counting the stairs one by one
praying to God that a bad situation turn out well
and the misfortune remain out of the door.
But you spin round over this world
that pulls you and doesn’t make you stop
like a black phantom you continuously go round
and cross the wall of this frenzy to set you free.
But you, to have a bit of good,
are able to sell your honor and your dignity
you are never satisfied, nothing is never enough for you
you don’t know the joy of simplicity.
And how beautiful it is walking in this rain
that wet the face, soak the clothes and you don’t realize
that the darker cloud also make color
like and old painting, torment of a painter.
And how beautiful it is walking near the sea
putting the naked feet inside the water and breathing
that good air that enter into your veins
as if it were the breath of an angel next to you.
But you, to have a bit of good,
are able to sell your honor and dignity
you are never happy, nothing is never enough for you
you don’t know the joy and happiness.
(Music and lyrics by M. Caiano)
Get out of here and don’t say anymore
get out of here, you’re a hypocrite and skunk
get out of here, snake between roses
you’re nothing and cost less than a fizzy drink.
Get out of here and don’t touch anything else
get out of here, you steal the soul from people
get out of here, you’re a slimy slippery guy
you have a lot of friends, first you praise then you use them.
Get out of here, badger of my mind
get out of here, you’re darker than the night
get out of here, ‘cause you’re without sun
you were born in che cold and you’ve got ice in your heart.
Get out of here and cover your face
get out of here owl, I’ll throw you out of here
get out of here, you’re like a sikly nefarious
sick, you’re like a lecherous priest.
Get out of here, bottom of a greasy pan
get out oh here, you’ve got mountains in your head
get out of here, you’ve never thought
you’re envious, old-fashioned, ruined.
Get out of here, ‘cause you think to be a worthy person
get out of here, ‘cause you seat on the throne of the idiots
get out of here and you even went to school
but when you speak you cannot even say a word.
Get out of here wobbly chair
get out of here, bitten dog’s ear
get out of here fart of a dilated anus
I hope you bleed, you’re like thirst in the desert.
Get out of here and learn to be a man
get out of here you’re like dirty foam on the waves
get out of here guy and keep away from me
I gave you a little bit of help and you soon took advantage.
Get out of here barrel without cork full of diarrhea
get out of here you’re like fireworks in the water
get out of here blabber mouth gone bad
you’re the worst sort of man that I’ve ever understood.